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  • Offer Profile
  • Agraferm Technologies AG, which is based in Pfaffenhofen, Germany, designs and builds Anaerobic Digestion plants. It is one of the few full service providers of turnkey agricultural and industrial biogas plants in Europe, which operates internationally. Our portfolio includes project planning and construction as well as biological and technical services.

    We are committed to the long-term success of our customers through
    • Planning, construction and service from one source
    • Biological and technical support services
    • Many years experience with CHP-units and biomethane feed-in systems
Product Portfolio
  • AD and biomethane plants by Agraferm

  • Agraferm, as a provider of complete anaerobic digestion (AD) plants, has comprehensive knowledge and many years of experience in the national and the international biogas sector. Put this know-how to good use by utilising our entire biogas value chain.

    Our plants stand out for...
    • ...High reliability and maximum plant availability
    • ...Lots of gas in little space: Highest gas yields at low container volume (1.5 MWel from only two containers)
    • ...Use of high-quality, robust components such as digester, agitator and pumps, thus increasing life span
    • ...An especially stable fermentation process
    • ...Industrial quality plant construction

    Your benefits
    • Minimal operating costs
    • Highest possible feedstock flexibility
    • Minimal risk of failure
    • Maximum economy and low energy consumption
      • Maximum load fermentation for best gas yields

      • Biogas operators around the world have to work with a great variety of feedstocks, and this often places high demands on the agitation equipment.
        Agraferm started working on high-load fermentation of energy crops very early on. This maximum load (high-load fermentation/digestion) technology developed and supplied by Agraferm offers AD plant solutions to cope with very high viscosities without having to challenge operational reliability, flexibility and gas yield – whereas conventional plant technologies have to reckon with high dilution, process energies and wear.
        That is why Agraferm plants are regularly rated among the top performers, for example, in the German Federal Government's KTBL measuring programme and BMPII biogas measuring programme.
      • Our paddle agitator stirs everything!

      • With the development of the robust paddle mixer – which has been successfully used in Agraferm plants for more than a decade – Agraferm has brought the continually changing selection of input materials under control.
        While conventional AD plants with submersible motor agitators have to work primarily with slurry, maize or sugar beet, operators of Agraferm AD plants can choose from a wide selection of feedstocks. In an increasingly limited and depleting feedstock market, operators of Agraferm plants can accept feedstocks that other plants can use only in limited amounts, or cannot use at all.

        The Agraferm paddle mixer allows stirring and recycling of input materials with a high dry content and richly structured materials such as poultry manure, green waste, organic waste bin contents, silages etc. in high concentrations.
      • From biogas comes biomethane - gas upgrading

      • A cutting-edge technology that will play a major role in the future is the processing of biogas into biomethane of natural gas quality, otherwise known as renewable natural gas (RNG). This process makes the development of heating concepts redundant, and thereby opens up entirely new alternatives in the choice of Location and allows gas-to-grid. Agraferm has already realised many Projects with gas upgrading in the biomethane sector.
        Agraferm biomethane (gas-to-grid) plants are based on membrane technology. This successful solution employs only membranes that have proven successful over time. Agraferm assumes responsibility for the entire process design and construction of the plants.
      • Many years of experience in waste-to-energy

      • The Agraferm Group has comprehensive expertise in waste treatment, and can process and recycle virtually all input materials that contain organic material. The subsidiary BTA International GmbH in particular is responsible for this segment.
        Since 1984, BTA has been the leading specialist for wet-mechanical pre-treatment of all kinds of organic wastes with subsequent wet fermentation for generating biogas and quality compost (or material similar to compost, according to the kind of waste).

        Wet-mechanical pre-treatment in the BTA process allows great flexibility in the input materials and offers superior efficiency and selectivity in separating out impurities. This process results in stable and reliable fermentation operation, minimises costs for disposing of impurities, maximises biogas yield and ensures the quality of the digestate.
      • Research & development in the field of biogas

      • The Agraferm Group is an active driver behind developments in the field of microbiological and technical biomass pre-treatment and recycling.
        We undertake innovative research projects with partners from science and industry, with the results being tested in practice, discussed among experts and published.
      • Metomex®

      • Micro nutrient solution with essential trace elements
        To produce biogas as efficiently as possible – that is the aim of every biogas plant operator. The greatest reserves when running an biogas plant are in the speeding up and stabilisation of the biological process as well as the utilisation of the energy potential available to the fullest capacity.

        The deciding factor in the success of an biogas plant is a well functioning biological process. Optimise the bioprocess of your plant to the maximum with Metomex®.
        Complex micronutrients activate the bacteria in your biogas plant to give the highest performance!

        Whether it is a large or a small plant, using mono-fermentation or with slurry – the micronutrients from Agraserv, a quality brand for service products from Agraferm Technologies AG provide the best nutrients for the bacteria in your biogas plant.
        Test the optimised Metomex® system for yourself – Your safe guard for a stable bioprocess!
    • Service

    • Safety and economy for biogas plants
      We do not desert our customers when the construction of their biogas plant has been completed. We offer you a comprehensive range of technical and biological follow-up services. Ranging from the supply of spare parts to the complete running of your plant. As our customer, you can choose which services you need according to your requirements.
      The Agraferm service strategy covers the complete spectrum of services for biogas plants.
      Agraferm specialists and a hand picked service network, form a team, which numerous customers have relied upon for many years. Whether you are a newcomer to the world of biogas or an expert our training courses, given by our experienced staff, will provide you with all the information you need to operate successfully in this field.
        • Service Offer

        • The Agraferm Group has many years of international experience in the field of biogas generation and the entire energy value chain.
          The range of services extends from the forward-looking design of anaerobic Digestion (AD), biomethane and waste recycling & treatment plants, to construction and commissioning, to continuous maintenance and expansion.
            • Planning and design of AD plants

            • Choice of site and plant design
              The choice and realistic assessment of suitable sites is a crucial factor in the successful design of AD plants. Agraferm works out the optimal design and construction of your plant together with you. Given our many years of experience, we can already include aspects of later plant management and thus lower your future operating costs thanks to clever plant planning.
            • Construction and commissioning of AD plants

            • Agraferm has many years of experience in international plant construction and has developed a reliable project management division for the realisation. The implementation teams comprise a healthy mixture of motivated 'juniors' and 'seniors'.
            • Operation, maintenance and expansion of AD plants

            • After construction, we won't leave you in the lurch. We will accompany you during the efficient operation and continual maintenance of your AD plants.
            • What are the advantages of an Agraferm AD plant?

            • Discerning customers and operators opt for Agraferm anaerobic digestion plants for various reasons:
              • Low operating costs
              • Greatest possible flexibility of input materials / feedstocks
              • Minimal risk of failure
              • Maximum economy and low energy consumption
              • Small plant footprint (space requirements)

              Key factors in the decision are often the stability of the digestion process, proven reliability of the plants and superior gas yields.